by Laura Doyle
How to single-handedly create the kind of connection and intimacy you’re craving
Some men go to marriage counseling willingly, but most who go do so grudgingly, and still more flat-out refuse.
These men won’t read a book about relationships and don’t seem interested in talking about the problems either.
It can be incredibly frustrating for a wife who knows that her marriage isn’t what it could be. After all, if he won’t work on things, isn’t it hopeless that they’ll ever improve?
That’s what I used to think, which is why I dragged my husband to marriage counseling.
But what if there’s a faster, more effective way to get what you really want from him—spontaneous love pats, heartfelt talks, romantic getaways—that you can implement yourself?
I’ll show you why his stubbornness not working on the relationship is actually a blessing in disguise and how you can get those swoon-worthy encounters without him even knowing what you’re up to.
I know it may sound impossible that you could make your relationship gratifying and delightful again. And I get that the person who needs to change the most is him—and he will. You can make that happen.
All you have to do is…
Read more: What to Do When Your Husband Refuses to Work on Marriage (lauradoyle.org)