If you want your marriage to make it, then you need to devote time, effort, and energy to your spouse, no matter how new or old your partnership is. Even stable marriages require regular maintenance and management. To help you keep your promise to live happily ever after, we talked to therapists, relationship experts, marriage counselors, and consulted tons of research to gather the best pieces of marriage advice we could find. With these marriage tips, you will be setting yourself up for a happy and healthy relationship for years to come.
1. Never leave the house without saying goodbye.

Don’t forget to give your spouse a hug and a kiss before you leave for work. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds and can make a big difference in your relationship. “Affection keeps the juices flowing and the romance alive,” explains psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina, PhD, author of How to Be Happy Partners.
2. Keep your spouse’s secrets—no matter how small.

When your spouse confides in you, that’s not something to take lightly. And even if the secret they shared with you seems small and trivial, it’s not something you should tell friends and family members—no matter what.
“What may seem insignificant, trivial, or cute to you may be serious to your partner,” Tessina says. “Recognize what is important to your partner and don’t discuss it with your friends or family.”
3. And never share personal details or private information about them to your friends.

Everyone gets annoyed with their significant other sometimes, and that’s fine. However, a good spouse never, ever airs their grievances publicly.
“Even when it sounds like a joke, our partners are hurt, embarrassed, and shamed when we discuss private matters with family or friends,” says dating and relationship coach Rosalind Sedacca. “As tempting as it may be to bring up those incidents with others, resist. It’s disrespectful and won’t lead to a positive resolution.”
4. When bringing up a complaint or criticism, start with a compliment first.

Nobody enjoys hearing about the things they’re doing wrong, even when it’s necessary. That’s why Sedacca says that “when you need to express criticisms or frustrations with your partner, start with a compliment first. It’s also smart to end with a reminder of something else you like about them.” Doing so, she says, “puts the negative statements in perspective”
5. Use laughter to your advantage.

Even in tense situations, sometimes all you need is a moment of levity to change the tone of the conversation. “If something frustrating is happening, try easing the tension with a bit of humor,” suggests Tessina. “Don’t poke fun at your mate, but use shared humor as a way to say, ‘I know this is tough, but we’ll get through it.’ Your partner will think of you as someone soothing and helpful to have around when problems happen.”
READ MORE: 50 Best Marriage Tips of All Time, According to Relationship Experts (