El Dorado Hills couple celebrates 69 years of marriage

El Dorado Hills couple celebrates 69 years of marriage. It was 69 years ago in 1951. Le, a young man from the north side of Chicago, drove to Elaine’s house to pick her up. The bad weather didn’t stop them from driving to Indiana to get married. They were in love.

Le and Elaine Wallin pictured during 1951 when Le proposed. Now the local couple is celebrating a landmark 69th anniversary.  Courtesy photos

El Dorado Hills couple celebrates 69 years of marriage by Ann Tanger Dec 31, 2020 8:59 AM

It was a dark and stormy night on New Year’s Eve in Chicago. In fact, it was recorded as the whitest Christmas in the city’s history. Le Wallen had given Elaine an engagement ring on Christmas Eve. Elaine’s Dad thought they were too young to marry, so they decided to elope.

It was 69 years ago in 1951. Le, a young man from the north side of Chicago, drove to Elaine’s house to pick her up. The bad weather didn’t stop them from driving to Indiana to get married. They were in love.

The snow was really coming down as they drove back to Chicago. They left their Model A in the parking lot at the Midway airport, with one suitcase in hand. They were so excited to get on the plane and fly to Los Angeles to start their new life as newlyweds. Unfortunately, because of the blizzard, none of the planes were flying.

Desperate, they eventually found a man in one of the hangars tinkering on his small airplane. After explaining their dilemma, he agreed to take them for 50 bucks. It took them three days. The small plane was sputtering and leaking oil so bad that they had to land. It was cold and noisy in the plane and Elaine was wondering if this had been such a good idea. After two more landings, due to mechanical problems, they finally landed in Burbank. They departed the plane wearing long wool coats, gloves and scarves, into a beautiful warm and sunny day. They made it!

In 1960, Le and Elaine left Southern California with their two daughters and moved to Folsom. The Wallins loved Folsom Lake! They bought a boat and spent many days waterskiing and exploring the lake. Le said, “At that time you might see one other boat on the lake if you were lucky.” Later that year, they built the fifth house in Lakehills Estates in El Dorado Hills. There they had their third child, a boy.

Le and Elaine have been very involved with the church and, in the early 1960s, were the original charter members of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in El Dorado Hills where they still attend. In 1968, they built their second home just up the street from the first where they live today.

Le and Elaine remember when there used to be only one gas station, one bank and a bowling alley in Folsom! Where cattle used to graze the land along Green Valley Road, from Cameron Park to Folsom, has now been replaced by many homes, schools, and businesses.

They have added five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. They will be celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary this New Year’s Eve.

El Dorado Hills couple celebrates 69 years of marriage | Gold Country Media

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