Marriage Day Mass Centers on the Strong Faith of Couples

The key message in the World Marriage Day Spanish Mass was for couples to remember the significance of maintaining holy matrimony centered on our Savior, Jesus Christ.


The key message in the World Marriage Day Spanish Mass was for couples to remember the significance of maintaining holy matrimony centered on our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Auxiliary Bishop Peter Byrne was the principal celebrant of the annual Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.

The homilist was Father Peter Mushi, A.J., pastor of St. Cecilia and Holy Agony parish in East Harlem. The Mass for Día Mundial del Matrimonio is organized each year by the Movimiento Matrimonial Católico (MMC). 

“Dear brothers and sisters. This is a special day, and we give thanks to the Lord,” said Father Mushi in his homily.

“Today we celebrate World Marriage Day. On this day we pray that what God has united, man does not separate. We pray so that God sustains us in marriage, in this vocation of matrimony.”

The pastor, citing the day’s readings, went on to speak about the healing and spiritually cleansing power of Jesus. He noted the importance of married couples having spiritual encounters with each other based on the teachings of Christ, and on the significance of their vows. This is especially important, he said, during difficult times, such as with the current coronavirus pandemic and the societal and domestic troubles it has brought. 

He mentioned how there has long been social confusion over the very concept of marriage. 

READ MORE: Marriage Day Mass Centers on the Strong Faith of Couples | Catholic New York (

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