Post Information

The Retrouvaille Post Program follows the Weekend

The Retrouvaille program is conducted over several weeks for many reasons, but the two most important are:
1) there is too much information to teach effectively in a shorter time, and
2) we humans are naturally lazy and resist changing our ways. Retrouvaille provides a formal regimen that helps couples stay focused on their
relationships, and forces them to practice the new methods of communicating and interaction with each other over time.

So, by the time the program is finished, those new techniques should be habits—most couples after completing the program acknowledge, “Yeah, we’re really different people than we were 2 months ago!”

The problems that lead to a loveless marriage don’t arise overnight, and they can’t be cured in just one weekend.Healing emotions and relationships takes time—any psychologist will tell you that.There are no magic pills, and no such thing as a quick, effortless cure to a marriage in trouble.But Retrouvaille works.

These six (6) sessions are four (4) hours each and are held on a Saturday or Sunday immediately proceeding the weekend. The location varies through the year. All post sessions are held at regional churches.  Our weekend couples are welcome to attend the Post Program as often as necessary for life for free.

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