Leave this field blank Intro (optional) Thank you for taking your time to help Retrouvaille by answering these few questions.The Detroit Retrouvaille Board took our many needs and concerns and folded them into this brief survey. Each of these questions were crafted by our needs.Husbands and wives, please take the survey individually. Your individual opinions matter.... to each of us. Thank you for investing your time to help us! 1,How long since you attended your first Retrouvaille weekend? Less than a year 1-5 years 6-10 years More than 10 years 2. Have you recommended Retrouvaille to another person? Never Once or twice 3-5 times Many Times The following 7 questions are about where we need to improve. Please answer as specifically as possible. Do you visit our local Website? (Retrouvaille.info) Yes/No? What parts do you/could you use the most? Do you visit the International Website? (HelpOurMarriage.org) Yes No DO you chat or post about Retrouvaille on Facebook or other social media? Within the past 2 years have you spoken with Church staff, clergy or group leaders about Retrouvaille? No, never Once 2-5 times Frequently Within the last 2 years have you placed Retrouvaille materials in Counser or Attorney offices or on your local church(es)? (How many different locations? Never 1-3 times/locations 4-7 times/locations 7 or more times/locations How often do you read our emails? Every one Every now and then Rarely Never What is a reasonable amount of emails for us to send? Rate your overall satisfaction with the Retrouvaille Program? Content of the program only not incidentals like food, lodging or personality conflicts Highly Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied DID YOU KNOW? You can now create your own account on HelpOurMarriageDetroit.org / Retrouvaille.info to access our library of over 100 articles and posts, videos, and tips to help with your family your finances, your marriage and more! How can Retrouvaille be better? What else could we offer? We really could use your input! What can we do that would help your day to day Marriage? Any and all ideas welcome. Are you aware that, as a couple, you can attend any post session or CORE group (Free of charge) at any time forever? Post Sessions follow weekends and typically run from Mid August thru June. Yes I was aware of that No, I wasn't aware Do you attend CORE group meetings? (Retrouvaille's Marriage Enrichment) choose 1 or 2 answers Every month there is a virtual or in-person CORE meeting. Every month Nearly every month A few times a year I used to attend but stopped I never attend C.O.R.E. (Continuing Our Retrouvaille Experience) Im interested, but there is no CORE group close to me Other The following section is about participation in the Marriage Ministry of Retrouvaille. IF you have ever considered assisting at any time for any reason please answer accordingly, even if the opportunity never materialized for you personally. Metro Detroit Retrouvaille needs "Retrouvaille Ambassadors" specifically for your church and possibly other churches near you. Couples who:  - Call church office to ask if a Retrouvaille Ad is planned for the bulletin (I send emails in advance with their permission so it should be a nice soft call.)  - Advise us when the Retrouvaille ad appears in your bulletin. (Quick text/call/email).   (We need at least one couple from each parish/church) Would you be willing to be your local church Retrouvaille Ambassador? Yes, but only for my church Yes, for my church and others nearby No, Im sorry but we just cannot be a Retrouvaille Ambassador Ambassador? Yes No Ambassador Yes My church only Send me, I am ready (Check all that apply) Would you CONSIDER helping Retrouvaille IF... IF volunteering could all be done from YOUR OWN HOME If it only was a few hours a month or less If I could attend virtual only meetings to offer input If I could attend a few meetings a year to share ideas If I could help in a special area of expertise (Legal, Marketing, Web Design, Coding, etc) We MAY be interested in sharing our own story to help other marriages We are interested in becoming future Retrouvaille Leaders In which way could you contribute? (Select all that apply) I could make a few calls per month I would be willing to take part in an email only idea sharing group I could post Retrouvaille Ads on social media from time to time I can make calls to Therapists, Lawyers and churches to introduce them to Retrouvaille I would be willing to reach out to past Retrouvaille attendees to update their records We could be an Angel Couple for a Post Session (Sat or Sun 5 hrs) I have connections that may help. (Marketing, donations, Materials, Legal, Website Design, Coding, etc) We just do not have the time to do any of those. Other Other What could we do to increase volunteerism? ANY ideas are like gold to us. Is there anything else that we could do to get Hurting Marraiges to Retrouvaille? Share even the craziest of ideas We would like to express our appreciation to you for your input, thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. The effort alone could be the one that saves a marriage or two or two hundred.  If you have taken that extra step to offer your help then our gratitude cannot be described in words and we will pray that your effort will lead to countless blessings. Thank you again and keep in touch... two heads are better than one. Signed, All Retrouvaille Volunteers 0 5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Stars Choose 1 2 3 4 Clear 1 Choose 1 2 3 4 Clear 2 Choose 1 2 3 4 Clear 3 Choose 1 2 3 4 Clear 4 Validate your submission Send