Volunteer Job Descriptions

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1) Attend Board of Directors meetings and Annual General Membership meeting as frequently as possible

2) Enrich your marriage relationship as frequently as possible so that you will continue to be a visible sign of marriage as a Sacrament to all participants you encounter during their Retrouvaille journey. (For example: attend CORE, assist as Angels, search for and attend other Marriage enrichment programs.)

3) In the absence of the Coordinating Couple, assume their responsibilities as necessary.

4) Assist the Coordinating Couple at their direction.

5) Conduct the discernment and election process at the Annual General Membership Meeting.

6) Present at least one Retrouvaille Weekend or Post Session per year.

7) Schedule Friday Night Greeter Couple and Angel Couples for each English Weekend and Post Program as follows: Two Weekend Angel couples One Post Session Angel couple for each of the six sessions Note: Volunteer information on the Retrouvaille International website can be used to contact the couples.

Note: The Spanish Program Facilitators will schedule Angel Couples as needed for the Spanish Program and provide instructions, etc. as explained below.

8) Provide Weekend and Post Angel Couples with Instructions and answer any questions prior to the program they have volunteered to assist.

9) Report to the Board of Directors the names and contact information of the scheduled Angel Couples.

10) If new contact information is discovered while scheduling Angel Couples for each Retrouvaille program, update contact info on the Retrouvaille International website.

11) Acquire Volunteer Sheets from Post Host Couple following final Post Session for each program to distribute information as needed. Examples: Couples interested in CORE to CORE Hosts, Prayer Couple Volunteers to Prayer Letter Support Couple, Publicity related Volunteers to Publicity Couple. Copy the Coordinators. Also enter the Volunteer opportunities selected by each couple on the International Website. Utilize volunteers as frequently as possible.


Enrich your marriage relationship as frequently as possible so that you will continue to be a visible sign of marriage as a Sacrament to all participants you encounter during their Retrouvaille journey. (For example: attend CORE, assist as Angels, search for and attend other Marriage enrichment programs.)

2)   Present at least one Retrouvaille weekend or Post Session per year.

3)   Arrange sites, dates, and presenting teams for Retrouvaille weekends and Post Sessions for submission to the Board of Directors for approval. Weekend Facility requires annual signed contracts and BEO approval prior to each weekend.

4)   Arrange place and time for Board of Directors meetings and Annual General Membership meetings.

5)   Maintain quality of Retrouvaille program.  Provide and arrange opportunities for enrichment to Board of Directors, teams, and other Community service / support members as Community Budget allows.


6)   Remind volunteers to report any absence from their duties so that you can become involved in the decisions regarding temporary replacements if needed.


7)   The Coordinating Couple, along with the assistance of the Chaplain, has the responsibility and authority to address and help resolve any discord relevant to interpersonal relations between Community members, and/or other crises that may arise from within the Community or that may impact the Community from the outside.

8)   Serve as liaison between Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit Board and Retrouvaille International.  Update local Community’s members’ profiles on the Retrouvaille Int’l Website.

9)   Attend Retrouvaille International Council meeting as Community finances allow.

10) Try to remain informed about the CORE Group meetings.  The CORE Coordinators are responsible for reporting attendance to the Board of Directors, and the CORE hosts should submit attendance on a timely basis to the CORE Coordinators for the purpose of confirming the CORE Groups are providing monthly meetings and to maintain current contact information. 

11) If CORE Hosts share names of couples who express an interest in volunteering to help the Community in some way, follow up with the couple as soon as possible.

12) Follow up with Finance Couple to verify that the IRS tax return (currently Form 990) has been completed on a timely basis.  Ask Finance Couple to provide year-end financial statement at the first Board of Directors meeting following the start of a new fiscal year.

13) Invite Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit members to Annual General Membership meetings.

14) Conduct the Annual General Membership meetings with assistance from the Chaplain.  The Assistant Coordinating Couple will conduct the discernment and election process at the Annual General Membership Meeting. 

15) Provide any newly elected couples with Retrouvaille International By-Laws, Community By-Laws, Local Community Roster, and Expense Report for reimbursement of funds spent.

Note: The Spanish Program Facilitators will handle the coordination of Items 16-26 below for the Spanish Retrouvaille program.

16) Update Take-Home Packet documents: Resources, Referrals and Suggested Reading lists as necessary.

17) Designate Lead Couple for each weekend and Host Couple for each series of post sessions.  Provide instructions to Lead Couple and Post Host Couple.

18) Maintain periodic contact with Registration Couple prior to weekend for the purpose of acquiring number of registrations and make decisions regarding financial hardship cases. 

19) Three Two weeks prior to weekend, confirm Preliminary Rooming List is sent to the Hotel by Registration Couple and follow up confirmation just prior to the weekend.

20) Advise Lead Couple or Hotel contact by Friday of the weekend how many community members will be attending the complimentary dinner following the weekend.

21) Acquire weekend couple drop-out information from Weekend Lead Couple and provide all required information to Finance Couple to complete the Weekend Report on International Website.

22) Acquire Weekend Evaluations from Weekend Lead Couple.

23) Confirm with Post Host Couple that attendance is recorded on the International Website or enter the names in the website for the Post Host Couple as needed.

24) Recruit presenting teams and arrange for their attendance at Formation Weekends.

25) When a couple volunteers to write for the program, supply them with Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit Roster, Community By-Laws, and Expense Reports for expense reimbursement.

26) Consult with the Workshop Coordinators as they arrange the workshopping of talks.


Thank you for volunteering to assist with the Metro-Detroit Retrouvaille Weekend. It is our hope that

your participation as a Friday Night Greeter Couple will provide continued blessings and

improvements to your own marriage relationship.

Each member of the Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit Weekend Team plays a crucial role in the overall

success of a Retrouvaille Weekend. The “Weekend Team” consists of:

 One Weekend Setup Couple

 One Registration Couple

 One Friday Night Greeter Couple

 Two Angel Couples

 One Priest (or Pastor Couple, if CMD [Christian Multi-Denominational] Weekend)

 And, three Presenting Couples (Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, one of whom will be

designated as the “Lead Couple”). The Lead Couple is responsible for the overall weekend

program from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Any questions you may have can be

presented to them.

The basic role of a Friday Night Greeter Couple is to assist the Registration Couple simply by

greeting the new Friday Night Couples (FNCs) as they arrive to the Retrouvaille Weekend.

Your friendly faces can help to alleviate some of the anxiety that the FNCs may be

experiencing as they arrive. Please remember to focus your attention on them.

The following instructions will be helpful in assisting the Retrouvaille Registration Couple.

1) Plan to arrive at the hotel between 5 and 5:30pm and check in with the Registration Couple. Offer

your assistance to them, as needed. Please note: Each member of the Weekend Team

(especially the Registration Couple) have specific tasks that need to be completed in a timely

manner. Time is of the essence. Please ask how you can help in any way, keeping in mind, that

this is NOT a good time to socialize with the Registration Couple.

2) As FNCs begin to arrive, greet the new participants near the hotel entrance. (The Weekend Angel

Couples will assist you after they have completed their specific tasks.) The FNCs need not check

in with the hotel, therefore, walk each FNC to the Registration Couple table to begin the check-in

process. Along the way, you can offer to help them with their luggage and explain that the

Registration Couple will give them their room keys, name tags, and the Weekend Welcome Letter.

Once you reach the Registration Couple table, offer to take any refreshments or snacks they may

have brought with them to the conference room. Have labels ready to write their room number (or

couple number) on any dishes, bowls, or pans they wish to take home Sunday afternoon, and be

sure to thank them for their contribution. Either the Weekend Setup Couple, one of the Weekend

Angel Couples or the Lead Presenting Couple can show you where to place the snacks in the

conference room. Again, try not to interrupt the Registration Couple as they are most likely the

busiest at this time.

3) Check with the Registration Couple periodically to help monitor the couple count (who has arrived

and who has not) to ensure none of the FNCs are missed during the registration process.

4) Please note: Try not to hang around the registration table as the couples arrive. The only contact

the FNCs have had, thus far, is with the Registration Couple. This is the FNCs chance to put a

name with a face and for the Registration Couple to offer words of encouragement to them for

attending the weekend. It can be very awkward for the FNCs when they see others standing by

the registration table.


It’s a good idea to carry a Retrouvaille Community Roster with you in case you need to call someone.

Thank you for offering to assist as a Host Couple for this series of Retrouvaille post sessions. This is a good way to continue enriching your marriage relationship. The Post Session Host Couple is responsible for the overall post session program. The Community Coordinators or Spanish Program Facilitators will have arranged for the post session facility.

• The Assistant Coordinators (or Spanish Program Facilitators) will do their best to schedule Angel Couples for each of the Post Sessions. Be sure to get their names and phone numbers in order to contact them beforehand as a reminder about their commitment.

• If Supplies are required, consult the Coordinators to see if there is surplus from other Posts or Weekends first. Then if needed, make the necessary arrangements to replenish them and submit an expense report to the Finance Couple.


Coffee Artificial Sweetener Napkins

Tea Hot & Cold Cups Dinner Plates for Post #6

Creamer Stir Sticks Plasticware

Sugar Coffee Filters Snack Plates



Post Program Workbooks Expense Reports

Spiral notebooks Retrouvaille Cross

Pens Bell

Retrouvaille Pamphlets Timer

Chalk or Dry Erase Markers Candle and Matches or Lighter

A Chalk Board or White Board is helpful for a few of the Post Sessions.

*Check with the Facility to see if one is available for use.

Post Session Angel Couple Instructions

Potluck Dinner Sign-up Sheet

CD player and extension cord

Attendance book (replace as necessary)

• It’s always best to arrive at the post facility 45-60 minutes before the program begins.

• Banner Display is optional, but recommended.

Each Week

• Make sure ice is available for cold beverages.

• Greet the couples as they arrive.

• Set out attendance book. Also record names of couples who make up sessions as well as the presenting couples and angel couples who are present each week.

• Introduce all Angel Couples and Retrouvaille Team Couples to the participants.

• Make necessary announcements (i.e. Potluck, upcoming events, etc.)

Post Session Wrap Up


Update Post Session Attendance on the Retrouvaille International website or notify the Coordinators to update the website.

Sales Items (Dialogue Calendars, etc.)

Forward money collected for sales items to the Finance Couple.

Post Session Evaluations

Forward Evaluations to Assistant Coordinating Couple or Spanish Program Facilitators.


Thank you for volunteering to assist with the Metro-Detroit Retrouvaille Weekend. It is our hope

that your participation as a Weekend Angel Couple will provide continued blessings and

improvements to your own marriage relationship.

Each member of the Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit Weekend Team plays a crucial role in the

overall success of a Retrouvaille Weekend. The “Weekend Team” consists of:

 One Weekend Setup Couple

 One Registration Couple

 One Friday Night Greeter Couple

 Two Angel Couples

 One Priest (or Pastor Couple, if CMD [Christian Multi-Denominational] Weekend)

 And, three Presenting Couples (Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, one of whom will be

designated as the “Lead Couple”). The Lead Couple is responsible for the overall weekend

program from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Any questions you may have can be

presented to them.

The basic role of a Weekend Angel Couple is to help handle the physical needs of the

Friday Night Couples (FNCs) and the Weekend Presenting Teams throughout the weekend.



2. BOTH Weekend Angel Couples are requested to bring one red rose on Friday night. (The cost of the rose can be

added to your expense reimbursement form.)

3. Review the “Angel Couple Time Schedule/Checklist” (pages 4-7 below) for detailed instructions including when to

help with supplies and/or assistance throughout the weekend. DO NOT share this schedule with the FNCs.

4. Plan to arrive at the hotel between 5 and 5:30pm. (Keep in mind that there is no meal provided on Friday night.)

5. Upon your arrival, check-in with the Registration Couple. Receive your name tags and room key. Put your luggage

in your room. Then, return quickly to begin the Angel Couple duties.

6. Angel Couple duties (prior to first presentation-8pm start time):

a. Place one of the two red roses in a vase on the presenters table in the conference room. Place the second rose

in a vase in one of the Angel Couples’ hotel rooms for bud opening. (To force a rose bud to open, place it in

warm water with an aspirin.) Whichever rose that best opens should be displayed on Sunday at 11am.

b. Offer your assistance to the Registration Couple and any of their immediate needs. (Please note: Each

member of the Weekend Team (especially the Registration Couple) have specific tasks that need to be

completed in a timely manner. Time is of the essence. Please ask how you can help in any way, keeping in

mind, that this is NOT a good time to socialize with the Registration Couple).

c. The Registration Couple might ask you to prepare the FNC Check-In Board (see example below). This board is

used to confirm that every couple is in attendance prior to each presentation. As couples enter the conference

room, simply explain to them the importance of checking off their room number so we know they are present.

Preparation of FNC Check-In Board (Example):

Room # Room # Room #

104 X 311 422

109 312 428

121 313 X 502 X

204 322 527

222 333

 The Registration Couple will direct you to the white board/easel as well as provide you

with the room numbers for each FNC (for privacy purposes, we use room numbers only).

 Make several columns and rows on the white board as shown above.

 Insert each FNC room number (in numerical order as shown) in one column reserving the

second column as a section for couples to “X” (or check off) that they are present. Prior to

every presentation, when each couple returns to the conference room, they will check off

their room number on the board indicating their presence in the conference room.

 After completion, ask the Registration Couple for their approval and for the appropriate

location of the Check-In Board.

Weekend Angel Couple Job Description – revised Dec2019.docx Page 2

d. Meet with the other Weekend Angel Couple and divide your responsibilities as needed. For example, the three

Presenting Couples will call the FNCs after dialogue time and when it is time to return to the conference room.

In the event that a couple is late in returning to the conference room, you could alternate calling couples who

are late. (The Registration Couple will provide you with a list of the attending couples by Room #.) Other duties

that can be divided include:

i. Hanging banners, straightening up the conference room between presentations, cutting question labels

(stickers) in Dialogue Question Box, and/or providing the necessary supplies for the Presenting Couples.

ii. Familiarize yourself with the Dialogue Question Box, Prayer Letters, Take Home Packets, 90/90 Handouts,

and Donation Envelopes. Are adequate amount of each available?

iii. One person (of the four Angels) needs to be “in charge” of the wireless microphone and the CD

player. Speak with the Weekend Setup Couple to familiarize yourself with these items.

e. As FNCs begin to arrive, assist the Friday Night Greeter Couple in greeting the new participants near the hotel

entrance. Your friendly faces can help alleviate some anxiety that the couples may be experiencing as they

arrive. Please remember to focus your attention on the new FNCs.

i. The FNCs need not check in with the hotel, therefore, walk each FNC to the Registration Couple table to

begin the check-in process. Along the way, you can offer to help them with their luggage and explain that

The Registration Couple will give them their room keys, name tags, and the Weekend Welcome Letter.

ii. Once you reach the Registration Couple table, offer to take any refreshments or snacks they may have

brought with them to the conference room. Have labels ready to write their room number (or couple

number) on any dishes, bowls, or pans they wish to take home on Sunday afternoon, and be sure to thank

them for their contribution. The Weekend Setup Couple can show you where to begin setting out snacks.

Again, try not to interrupt the Registration Couple as they are most likely the busiest at this time.

iii. Snacks need to be replenished throughout the weekend. Do not put all of the snacks out at once. Use your

best judgment and store extra snacks under the snack table. Be sure to refrigerate perishables, as

necessary. (The hotel may or may not provide a small refrigerator in or near the conference room.) If

needed, perishables can also be stored in the Angel Couples’ and/or the Presenting Couples’ guest room


iv. Check with the Registration Couple periodically to help monitor the couple count (who has arrived and who

has not) to ensure none of the FNCs are missed during the registration process.

v. Please note: Try not to hang around the registration table as the couples arrive. The only contact the FNCs

have had, thus far, is with the Registration Couple. This is the FNCs chance to put a name with a face and

for the Registration Couple to offer words of encouragement to them for attending the weekend. It can be

very awkward for the FNCs when they see others standing by the registration table.

f. Final conference room check:

i. Be sure the Setup Couple has placed a pen and notebook at each persons table setting along with Kleenex

on each table.

ii. Hotel staff should have provided pitchers of water/clean glasses for each table setting.

iii. Other than snacks and coffee, no other supplies are needed (REMINDER: The “Weekend Program

Books” are distributed after Talk #1)

iv. Throughout the weekend, the Angel Couples and Presenting Couples who are not presenting a talk should

have reserved seating at the very back tables in the conference room. However, for the first talk (given by

the Stage 1 Presenting Couple), it is requested that either the Stage 2 or Stage 3 Presenting Couple sits at

the very front of the conference room. That way, they can be the first couple to share their introduction

during Talk #1. Be sure the Setup Couple has displayed the “Reserved Seating” signs appropriately.

g. Join the Weekend Team for a prayer meeting before the program begins on Friday night. The prayer meeting is

generally at 7:45 pm in a room near the conference room. Check with the lead couple.


1. Additional weekend supplies are available under the tables and in the roll-around storage cart:

 Program books, notebooks, pens, markers, labels, and question stickers

 Medical supplies (Over the counter medicines, band aids, etc.)

 90/90 letters

 Sunday envelopes and collection basket

 Retrouvaille Brochures

 Take Home Packet envelopes to distribute on Sunday (includes post schedule, counselor and resource

referrals/booklist and brochures)

2. Once a banner has been displayed, keep it up, but relocate it. The banner for the Presentation being given is

always displayed at the front of the Conference Room.

3. Check coffee and water service periodically. Notify hotel when items are needed.

4. You may be asked to make a trip to the drug store for specific medicines needed by someone, or to direct or drive

someone to an emergency care center. The hotel can assist with location. Add any additional costs to your expense

reimbursement form.

Weekend Angel Couple Job Description – revised Dec2019.docx Page 3


1. A “Dialogue Question Box” containing stickers with the dialogue questions that the couples will be answering after

each presentation, will be provided. Cut up the stickers between sessions or at the beginning of each session, so

they are in small quantities to pass down the rows quickly. Look ahead at each session to find the question(s) for

that session and be prepared to distribute them to the couples. The Presenting Couples will let you know when

to pass out the stickers.

2. The Presenting Couples and Angel Couples are expected to participate fully throughout the weekend. We know

you’ll be busy with the details explained in these instructions, but please do take time to write and dialogue right

along with the couples throughout the weekend.

3. Watch for couples who may appear to want to leave the weekend early. Immediately inform one of the Presenting

Couples of your suspicion so that they can talk to the couple before they leave. If a couple decides to leave, the

Lead Couple will request their room key. If an FNC stays through the 90/90 (Sunday 12:30pm) they are considered

to have completed the weekend and the Lead Couple will give them a Take Home Packet.


1. Please try to be in the Conference Room at least 15 minutes before each presentation

2. Erase check marks on the FNC Check-In Board between presentations

3. Clean and tidy conference room (litter, cups, etc.)

4. Clean and tidy up snack table

5. Have staff remove and replace water glasses at all tables.

6. Ensure presenters table has new drinking glasses and pitcher of water.

7. Check coffee, etc. (request from hotel if more needed)

8. Call missing couples (if asked to do so by the Lead Couple)


1. Do not counsel or give advice to a hurting couple. If a hurting couple approaches you, seek out one of the

Presenting Couples for help. (REMEMBER: NONE OF US ARE COUNSELORS)

2. Do not share with the FNCs the weekend schedule below or what time the next talk will begin/end.

3. Do not share during the couple sharing time on Saturday or Sunday. Only share your introduction on Friday


4. Unless it is absolutely necessary, do not move around the conference room during presentations or during

writing time. This creates a huge distraction for presenters.

5. Unless otherwise delegated, the Lead Couple is in charge of operating the thermostat.


**The Weekend Lead Couple is responsible for the overall weekend program from Friday night to Sunday**

**Carry a Retrouvaille Community Roster with you in case you need to call someone**

**This is a summarized listing, prior to the weekend, review the Angel Couple Job Description for Weekend Details**


Check-In with Registration Couple

□ Receive your room key, put your luggage in your room, and return quickly to assist.

□ Are there any problems? Anything we need to be aware of?

□ Will Registration Couple be coming back for the Sunday Weekend Team Dinner? (Sunday 5:30pm)

Talk with Setup Couple

□ Are there any problems? Missing items? Inventory problems? Any pressing issues?

□ Sound check? Is the wireless microphone working properly? Where are extra batteries?

□ Find out where the Medicine/Toiletries Kit will be located in the Conference Room.

□ Will Setup Couple be attending the Sunday Weekend Team Dinner? (Sunday 5:30pm)

Check Conference Room Setup

□ Each table should include pitchers of water/clean glasses and Kleenex (one or two per table).

□ Each table setting should include a spiral notebook and pen (one per person).

□ Presenters table should also include Retrouvaille cross and candle.

□ Be sure Angel Couples have purchased two red roses and one rose placed in vase on presenters table. Second rose should be in Angle Couple’s room for bud opening.

□ Large Retrouvaille Cross and Life preserver should be on display.

□ First banner of the weekend (“Retrouvaille”) should be on display.

□ FNC “Check-In Board” should be ready by talk #1. (The Registration Couple generally handles this with the assistance of the Angel Couples.)

□ Throughout the weekend, the Angel Couples and Presenting Couples who are not presenting a talk should have reserved seating at the very back tables in the conference room. However, for the first talk (given by the Stage 1 Presenting Couple), it is requested that either the Stage 2 or Stage 3 Presenting Couple sits at the very front of the conference room for assistance with introductions. Be sure the “Reserved Seating” signs are placed appropriately.

□ Note: Weekend Program Books are distributed while the couples are dialoguing AFTER Talk #1, NOT BEFORE. (Also, make sure at least one Program Book is place on the Presenters table after Talk #1)

Talk with Angel Couples

□ Answer any questions the Angel Couples might have, also remind them NOT TO:

• Share during the couple sharing time on Saturday or Sunday (Only share your introduction on Friday night).

• Counsel or give advice to a hurting couple. If a hurting couple approaches an Angel Couple, they should seek out one of the Presenting Couples for help. (NONE OF US ARE COUNSELORS!)

• Share with the FNCs the weekend schedule or what time the next talk will begin/end.

• Move around the conference room during presentations (except if duty calls). This creates a huge distraction for presenters.

• Become offended if there is lack of socializing by Presenting Couples. Although there may be appropriate times to socialize, please understand that the weekend is for the FNCs.

□ Designate one of the Angel Couple members to be the “in-charge” of the wireless microphone/CD player. Be sure they become familiar with them prior to the weekend start.

□ Give Angel Couples the Question Box. Remind them to cut up questions for easy distribution prior to each talk. Also remind them to put enough 90/90 folded handouts in Question Box for Sunday morning.

□ Give prayer letters to Angel Couples for distribution on Sunday (during 90/90).

• If there aren’t enough letters, ask the Angel Couples to write one or two as needed.

• If not already done, Angel Couples should write individual FNC’s first names only on the envelopes.

• Prior to distribution, remove any prayer letters that were written to couples who have left the weekend early. Give unused prayer letters to Lead Couple.

• Angel Couples should place Prayer Letters on a table in the back of the conference room during 90 minutes of writing time. Ask Angel Couples to remind the Stage 3 Presenting Couple (Husband) to tell the FNC husbands to pick the Prayer Letters up from the table after the 90 minutes of writing time. FNC husbands should take the prayer letters back to their rooms to open/share with their wives before the 90 minutes of dialogue time.

□ Give Angel Couples the Retrouvaille International Prayer Boards. Remind them that these are set up where the participants will see them when they return to the conference room following lunch on Sunday.

□ Give Angel Couples Take Home Packets for distribution Sunday afternoon (Talk 13).

□ Will Angel Couples be available to attend the Sunday Weekend Team Dinner? (Sunday 5:30pm)

Weekend Lead Couple Instructions – revised Nov2019.docx Page 2

FRIDAY NIGHT (Continued)

Meet with Weekend Team (Approximately 7:45pm) – Items to cover:

□ Invitation: Invite Weekend Team (Weekend Setup Couple, Registration Couple, Friday Night Greeter Couple, two Angel Couples, three Presenting Couples [Stage 1, 2 and 3], and one Priest [or Pastor Couple]. (**Registration Couple may not be available to meet as their responsibilities may not be completed.)

□ Sunday Team Dinner: Who will be available to attend the Sunday Weekend Team Dinner? (Sunday 5:30pm)

□ Items Above: Go over any items that were missed during individual talks with couples above (Registration Couple, Setup Couple, and Angel Couples)

□ Weekend Call-Back Roster: The Registration Couple will provide “call-back” rosters with FNC names and room numbers only to each Presenting Couple and the Angel Couples. Confirm that any couples who didn’t show up are crossed off the roster. Divide the names on the “call-back” roster between the 3 Presenting Couples for call-backs after dialogue. The Priest or Pastor Couple will call the Presenting Couples to initiate the call-backs. Any FNC who is late in returning to the conference room after the initial call by the Presenting Couples can be called and reminded by the Angel Couples.

□ Weekend “Full” Roster: The Registration Couple will provide the entire weekend rosters (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) to Presenting Couples only for notation purposes. Confirm that any couples who didn’t show up are crossed off the roster. If any couples leave the weekend, make notes on the roster about when and why, if possible, so the Finance Couple has that information for the International Weekend Report.

□ Church Prayer List: Check if Stage 3 Presenting Couple has received the Church Prayer List.

• Registration Couple should have already put the list in the Stage 3 Presenting Couple’s folder for announcement during Sunday Talk #10 at 8:30AM (before the 90/90 dialogue).

• Remind Stage 3 Presenting Couple NOT TO MENTION that churches don’t know the FNCs are here (especially on a CMD weekend). Some churches only have a few members and the church probably does know that the couple is here due to that fact. Let’s not reinforce it.

□ Time Keeping: Coordinate the time-keeping responsibilities with the Priest/Pastor Couple. Angel Couples may also be asked to be responsible for the dialogue time-keeping.

□ Thermostat: Unless delegated to an Angel Couple, the thermostat in the conference room should be controlled by Lead Couple or hotel staff only.

□ Gentle Reminders: Answer any questions the Weekend Team (especially the Angel Couples) might have, also remind them NOT TO:

• Share during the couple sharing time on Saturday or Sunday (Only share your introduction on Friday night).

• Counsel or give advice to a hurting couple. None of us are counselors, none of us give advice. If a hurting couple approaches an Angel Couple, they should seek out one of the Presenting Couples for assistance.

• Share with the FNCs the weekend schedule or what time the next talk will begin/end.

• Move around the conference room during presentations (except if duty calls). This creates a huge distraction for presenters. Lead by example. We ask FNCs to get snacks before or after Talks, we should also.

• Become offended if there is lack of socializing by Presenting Couples. Although there may be appropriate times to socialize, please understand that the weekend is for the FNCs.

□ Prayer: Priest or Pastor can lead prayer and then invite any others to share devotions as well. Gauge prayers on the needs of Presenting Couples and FNCs.


□ Check the note box periodically for questions and requests from participants to meet with Presenting Couples.

□ Speak with Community Coordinators regarding final head count/tip dollars for Weekend Team dinner (Sun. 5:30).

• Will there be non-Weekend Team couples attending (i.e. Finance Couple, Coordinators, Music Ministers, etc.)

• Will the banquet service tip be provided by Finance Couple or does the Lead Couple need to cover the $150?

□ Inform the hotel staff of the number of individuals attending the Weekend Team dinner.

□ In preparation for Sunday, Saturday night is a good time to double check on readiness of 90/90 Handouts, Donation Envelopes, Prayer Letters, Church Prayer List, Retrouvaille Community Prayer Boards, and Take-Home Packets. Have Angel Couples check accuracy/sufficiency. Do we have an adequate amount of each?


□ Check the note box periodically for questions and requests from participants to meet with Presenting Couples.

□ During the 90/90 dialogue time, have one of the Angel Couples check the front desk about additional room charges in order to collect from the individual couples. (During 90/90)

□ During the 90/90 dialogue time (in preparation for Talk #11) make sure Stage 1 Presenting Couple has received the history and weekend cost information from Retrouvaille of Metro Detroit Coordinators and/or Finance Couple.

□ After lunch (around 1:30) the Finance Couple usually comes to handle the contribution tally.

• It is the policy of Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit that two couples be present for the contribution tally.

• It’s most convenient if one of the Angel Couples assists.

• A money count tally worksheet will be provided to the Lead Couple by the Finance Couple.

Weekend Lead Couple Instructions – revised Nov2019.docx Page 3

SUNDAY (Continued)

□ If Finance Couple cannot be present the tally is the Lead Couples’ responsibility.

• A tally worksheet will be provided by the Finance Couple.

• It’s most convenient for the Stage 1 Presenting Couple and one of the Angel Couples to assist with the tally.

• After the weekend, coordinate with the Finance Couple about transferring Weekend donations to them following the weekend.

□ Especially if the Stage 3 Presenting Couple is from outside our community, be sure the Presenting Couple and/or Priest (or Pastor Couple) covers the following Final Reminders to Participants (FNCs) during the last presentation (The Journey Ahead – Talk #13 – 2:45pm)

• Dialogue Questions for first week are in the Program Book.

• Post attendance is important (if necessary, it’s okay to attend without your spouse).

• Have the couples take their Name Tags and bring them to all the Post Sessions.

• Post Session Handout explains what to bring; provides Presenting Couples’ information; and map on back

• Request that Odd # couples bring snacks on Weeks 1, 3, 5. Even # couples on Weeks 2, 4, 6.

• Bring Program books, spiral pads, pens and coffee mugs to Post Sessions.

• Ask participants to complete and return Weekend Evaluations before departing (in Take Home Packet).

Weekend Team Dinner (Approximately 5:30pm) – Items to cover:

□ Ask for inventory from Setup Couple. Are there are any supplies that are in short supply? (See Inventory Worksheet)

□ Review evaluations with Weekend Team.

□ Review Contribution Tally Worksheet with Weekend Team. The entire team, especially the Stage 1 Presenting Couples, appreciate knowing if the requested amount was collected.

□ FNCs are to receive a follow-up call from one Presenting Couple between the Weekend and the first Post Session.

• Divide the follow-up calls between local Presenting Couples.

• Do not assign out-of-town Presenting Couples to make the calls

□ Make additional notes regarding issues that are discussed and are worthy of sharing in the Lead Couple Report.

Before Departure – Thank the Hotel Staff and Provide Tip to Head of Banquet Staff

Within One Week of Event:

□ If any couples left the weekend, share your notes with the Finance Couple about when and why (if possible), so that information is available for the International Weekend Report.

□ If Finance Couple was not present coordinate with Finance Couple about transferring Weekend donations to them.

□ Arrange for the weekend evaluations to be turned over to the Community Coordinators.

□ Arrange for the Question Box, unused Prayer Letters, and leftover Take Home Packets to be turned over to the couples that are responsible for these items.

□ Prepare a “Lead Couple Report” for Community Coordinators, including but not limited to:

• Potential improvements to weekend flow

• Problems/Potential improvements to conference room/facility

• Problems with hotel/wait staff/food – Was tip money left or was wait staff unworthy

• Inventory Worksheet/Supplies that are in short supply

• Any miscommunications between Weekend Team Members (Registration Couple/Angel Couples/Presenting Couples/Setup Couple/etc.)

• FNCs that left the weekend and why

• Problems with FNCs

• Appropriate Retrouvaille Signage on Friday Night

• Evaluations complaints

• Any incidentals charged, if FNC reimbursed and by what couple

Weekend Lead Couple Instructions – revised Nov2019.docx Page 4

Retrouvaille of Metro Detroit

Hilton Garden Inn Detroit-Southfield – Inventory

Date: ___________________________________________________

_________ Weekend Workbooks

_________ Spiral Notebooks

_________ Pens

_________ 90/90 Folded Handouts

_________ Post Workbooks

_________ Donation Envelopes (Pre-stuffed w/ cc slip)

_________ Boxes of Kleenex

_________ Medicines/Toiletries

_________ Votive Candles

_________ Paper plates, utensils, napkins

_________ Stationery

_________ Bottles of Altar Wine

_________ Communion Wafers

Items removed for cleaning and individual responsible:


Thank you for volunteering to assist with the Metro-Detroit Retrouvaille Weekend. It is our hope that your participation as

the Weekend Setup Couple will provide continued blessings and improvements in your own marriage relationship.

First and foremost, we encourage you to enrich your marriage relationship as frequently as possible so that you will

continue to be a visible sign of marriage as a Sacrament to all participants you encounter during their Retrouvaille journey.

(For example: attend CORE, assist as an Angel Couple, search for and attend other marriage enrichment programs.)

Each member of the Retrouvaille of Metro-Detroit Weekend Team plays a crucial role in the overall success of a

Retrouvaille Weekend. The “Weekend Team” consists of:

One Weekend Setup Couple, One Registration Couple, One Friday Night Greeter Couple, Two Angel Couples,

One Priest (or Pastor Couple, if CMD [Christian Multi-Denominational] Weekend), and three Presenting

Couples (Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3, one of whom will be designated as the “Lead Couple”).

The Lead Couple is responsible for the overall weekend program from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Any questions

you may have can be presented to them.

The basic role of the Weekend Set Up Couple is to prepare the hotel conference room (meeting room) for the

Retrouvaille Weekend and to return at the end of the weekend to tear down and pack items away.

(The information below is meant to be used as a guide/checklist to assist with a smooth setup on any given

Retrouvaille Weekend. If you find that items need changing or updating, please contact the Assistant

Coordinators at: asstcoordinators@retrouvaille.info.)


□ Arrive at the hotel around 4pm to begin setting up the conference room. (The Registration Couple also arrives

around 4pm, the Friday Night Greeter Couple arrives at approximately 5:30pm, Angel Couples are asked to arrive

no later than 6pm, the Priest (Pastor Couple)/Presenting Couples typically arrive by 7pm, and participant couples

(Friday Night Couples or FNCs) begin arriving between 6:30 and 7:30pm.)

□ Use a hotel provided luggage cart to move the necessary supplies from the storage room to the conference room.

□ Dress the Registration Couple’s table with the Retrouvaille tablecloth.

Hotel will setup conference room in a classroom style setting (w/ Presenters Table in front of the room):

□ Make sure that the tables and chairs are comfortably spaced in the Conference Room allowing for aisles.

□ Be sure the hotel has provided each table with the proper linens, pitchers of water (at least one per table), clean

glasses (one per person) and Kleenex (two boxes per table-one box per couple).

Speaker/sound system:

□ Setup the speaker/sound system. (Not applicable, if we are using a sound system provide by the hotel.)

□ Be sure there are 3 microphones (w/stands) on the Presenters Table. Be sure they are working properly and

are placed appropriately on the table. One microphone per person. (4 microphones/stands, if CMD weekend)

□ Setup (or test, if hotel provided) the wireless microphone. Be sure it is working appropriately.

□ Perform a sound check on all microphones and adjust the volume, as needed.

□ Determine which Angel Couple will be in charge of the sound system/wireless microphone for the weekend and

show them how it works. Also, show them how to adjust the volume and where extra batteries (for the wireless

microphone) are stored. (Angel couples are asked to arrive to the weekend no later than 6pm).

□ After testing the wireless microphone with the Angel Couple, leave it on the presenters table.

Presenters Table:

□ Three chairs are required at the Presenters Table on a Catholic weekend (January, March, May and

September), two for the Presenting Couple and one for the Priest. [Four chairs are required on a CMD weekend

(October), two for the Presenting Couple and two for the Pastor Couple.]

□ Each chair should have a microphone (with a stand), a pen and a spiral notebook.

□ The hotel should provide a pitcher of water, three clean glasses (4 if CMD Weekend) and Kleenex (2 boxes).

□ Display the small Retrouvaille cross w/stones (stones with words should be on top) centered on the Presenters

Table along with candle holder, votive candle, and candle lighter.

□ Display vase for rose (Angel Couples will bring the roses) centered on the Presenters Table. Also, since both

angel couples are bringing one red rose, provide a bud vase for the 2nd rose to be kept in one of their guest

rooms. The rose that opens most by Sunday is placed on the presenting table. Ask them to return both vases to

supply box after couples depart on Sunday.

□ Display the “Team Request/Question Box” (index card box) in front of the Priest/Pastor Couples’ space.

□ Display the Large Retrouvaille Cross and Life Preserver. (Stage right of the presenters table.)

□ Display the main banner pole with the banner “Retrouvaille”. (Stage left of the presenters table.)

Weekend Set Up Couple Job Description – revised Jan2020.docx Page 2


FNCs’ Seating (General Seating):

□ To keep couples close to one another, chairs should ALWAYS be four per table.

□ Be sure there are an EXACT number of chairs in the conference room to accommodate all of the weekend

participants (including Angel Couples and Presenting Couples). No more, no less.

 So we can tell at a glance if someone is missing, ask the Registration Couple for the final number of FNCs

expected to attend. Be sure there are ONLY that many chairs available in the conference room. Remove

tables and chairs if necessary. Keep in mind, the Priest or Pastor Couple and one of the Presenting

Couples occupy the head table at all times.

 Exact number of chairs = 2X the number of FNCs attending + 2 Weekend Presenting Couples (4) + 2 Angel

Couples (4).

 Check with the Registration Couple regarding any extra guests.

□ Throughout the weekend, the Angel Couples and Presenting Couples who are not presenting a talk should

have reserved seating at the very back tables in the conference room (4 tables/8seats). However, for the first

talk (given by the Stage 1 Presenting Couple), it is requested that either the Stage 2 or Stage 3 Presenting

Couple sits at the very front of the conference room. That way, they can be the first couple to share their

introduction during Talk #1. Be sure to display the “Reserved Seating” signs appropriately.

□ Distribute one spiral notebooks and one Retrouvaille pen at each chair.

□ DO NOT DISTRIBUTE the Weekend Program Books at this time. Show the Angel Couples where the program

books are stored and remind them that they are to be distributed AFTER the first presentation. (When the FNCs

leave the conference room to dialogue, after the first presentation.)

Setup Stereo/CD player:

□ Perform sound check and place Weekend Music CD near stereo.

□ Determine which Angel Couple will be in charge of the weekend music and show them how the stereo works.

Remind them that the Presenting Couples will tell them which songs to play and when to play them.

Remaining banners/banner poles:

□ Assemble the remaining banner poles for the weekend

□ “Hide” (possibly in the rear corner of the conference room) the unused banners and poles

□ Inform the Angel Couples of the location of the remaining banners and poles

Coffee/refreshment/snack table:

□ If possible, have the coffee/refreshment/snack table setup near but OUTSIDE of the conference room. This will

help alleviate the temptation for individuals to walk around during presentations. The hallway or another available

room close by would be ideal. But, it must be in a location inaccessible to other hotel patrons.

□ The hotel might provide a small refrigerator for perishables. If possible, have it setup outside the conference room

as well.

□ Place paper plates, napkins, etc. on the table. The hotel staff will provide coffee and cups. As FNCs bring in their

snacks and refreshments, the Angel Couples can put them on the table or store some of them under the table for

replenishing at a later time.

Mass (Devotional Service if CMD Weekend):

□ Verify that a mass kit (Mass tote) is available at facility (including hosts, altar wine, and Priest Vestments), and

confirm that the Community Coordinators or Weekend Priest will provide any necessary items.

□ If a CMD weekend is being offered, small wine cups and bread might be needed for the Devotional Service at the

conclusion of the weekend. Confirm that Community Coordinators or the Pastor Couple will provide any

necessary items.

Other Miscellaneous:

□ Make sure there are enough Weekend Program Books, spiral notebooks, and pens for the maximum capacity,

including all Presenting Team members and Angel Couples. Place a few extras of each on a side table.

□ Provide and maintain the First Aid and toiletry kits. Inform the Angel Couples of its locale.

□ Inform the Lead Presenting Couple of any potential problems or issues that you had during the set up process

that might negatively effect the weekend.

Weekend Set Up Couple Job Description – revised Jan2020.docx Page 3


Set up the whiteboard and easel (the FNC Check-In Board):

□ Be sure to locate it in a place that will be easily accessible outside but near the Conference Room doors

□ The Registration Couple would appreciate if you and/or one of the Weekend Angel Couples could prepare the

FNC Check-In Board (see example below). This board is used to confirm that every couple is in attendance prior

to each presentation. As couples enter the conference room, the Angel Couples should simply explain to them the

importance of checking off their room number, so we know they are present.

Preparation of FNC Check-In Board (Example):

Room # Room # Room #

104 X 311 422

109 312 428

121 313 X 502 X

204 322 527

222 333

 The Registration Couple will provide you with the room numbers for each FNC (for

privacy purposes, we use room numbers only).

 Make several columns and rows on the white board as shown above.

 Insert each FNC room number (in numerical order as shown) in one column reserving the

second column as a section for couples to “X” (or check off) that they are present. Prior to

every presentation, when each couple returns to the conference room, they will check off

their room number on the board indicating their presence in the conference room.

 After completion, ask the Registration Couple for their approval.


□ If you’d like to attend Mass (or the Closing Service, if CMD Weekend) plan on arriving at the hotel at

approximately 3:30PM.

□ After the Mass/Closing Service (approximately 4:15), begin to pack and store the supplies in the storage room.

The Angel Couples will assist with the clean-up.

□ Take inventory for the next weekend. (See “Weekend Hotel Inventory“ below) Provide the inventory information to

the Lead Presenting Couple so they can notify the Coordinators for next time. Or simply email the inventory

information to the Community Coordinators at coord@retrouvaille.info.

□ Take home any soiled Mass linens and/or Vestments to be cleaned and/or ironed between weekends. You can

bring them back on the Friday of the next weekend program.

□ Join the other Retrouvaille volunteers for dinner in the hotel at approximately 5:15PM.


Weekend Set Up Couple Job Description – revised Jan2020.docx Page 4


Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Detroit-Southfield – Inventory

Weekend Completion Date: ______________________

The following supplies should be maintained in good condition. Please indicate if there are any problems or if

any maintenance needs to be completed.

 Banners/Banner Stands

 Large Retrouvaille Cross and Life Preserver

 Small Retrouvalle Cross and Life Preserver

Candle Holder (with Stones)

 Candle Lighter

 Retrouvaille Mission Statement Plaque

 Baskets for Refreshment/Snack Table

 (2) Bud Vases for Roses

 Stero/CD Player

 Weekend Music CD

 White “Check-In” Board and Easel

 Contribution Collection Basket

 Calculator for Tabulating Contributions

 Letter Opener

Mass Kit Including:

 Bible

 Lectionary

 Hosts & Altar Wine

 Priest’s Vestments

 Mass Linens Indluding:

 (2) Purificators

 (2) Corporals

Note: Please take linens home for cleaning and

return to the next weekend. Also, clean and

press the Priest vestments as needed.







Please indicate the approximate amount of supplies on hand listed below. Advise the Community Coordinators

(coord@retrouvaille.info) when any of the items need to be replenished so they can purchase and deliver items

for the next weekend.

_________ Weekend Workbooks

_________ Spiral Notebooks

_________ Pens

_________ 90/90 Folded Handouts

_________ Post Workbooks

_________ Donation Envelopes (Pre-stuffed w/ cc slip)

_________ Boxes of Kleenex

_________ Medicines/Toiletries

_________ Votive Candles

_________ Paper plates, plastic ware, napkins

_________ Stationery

_________ Bottles of Altar Wine

_________ Communion Hosts

_________ Small cups and bread for CMD Devotional

Service (October Weekend Only)

_________ Retrouvaille Promotional Material