40 Cheap Date Ideas You’ll Actually Want to Go On

40 Cheap Date Ideas You’ll Actually Want to Go On

40 Cheap Date Ideas You’ll Actually Want to Go On. Cook a special or fancy dinner together. Cooking dinner with your special someone is a great way to spend some quality time together. Try out a new recipe or find some ingredients you don’t normally buy.
Eat takeout by candlelight. Eating this way is a real treat. Don’t believe us? Give it a try. You’ll see the light.
Have a picnic on the floor. You don’t need good weather to have a picnic. Have one on the floor of your living room!

The pandemic helped them realize: I want to marry you

The pandemic helped them realize: I want to marry you

I want to marry you. Living with his girlfriend of three years, Joanna Illing, at their apartment in San Francisco was going better than he expected — spending so much time together felt like a treat, not a chore — and a journaling project he’d begun as a staying-sane activity revealed something he hadn’t foreseen. Miller, the vice president of engineering at a tech start-up, had been writing about his most meaningful experiences before the pandemic.

FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: Have a joy-full new year

FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: Have a joy-full new year

FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: Have a joy-full new year.
We often hear of the desire to be happy in the family and in whatever we are doing. Joy is a word that doesn’t appear as frequently in our daily conversations. In the Christmas season just past we all looked for a little happiness after a very stressful year. But hopefully we all sang a few songs about the joy in our hearts. Our families would all benefit from a more concentrated application of joy as opposed to happiness.

20 Practical Ways to Save Money
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20 Practical Ways to Save Money

20 Practical Ways to Save Money
Does the topic of saving money make you feel a little guilty? You have good intentions when it comes to saving money, but something always comes up. The car needs new tires, the teenager needs braces, the house needs a new roof—and just like that, saving money takes a back seat to life stuff. So you put it off. You tell yourself you’ll find ways to save money once you reach a certain milestone, like when you hit a specific age or get that raise you’re after.

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