From Divorce to Leaders of a worldwide Marriage Ministry – Retrouvaille
It was one month before Mark and Betty Squier’s 19th wedding anniversary that Mark filed for divorce.
It was one month before Mark and Betty Squier’s 19th wedding anniversary that Mark filed for divorce.
Six years ago, my wife and I started presenting for Retrouvaille, a program for troubled marriages. We are not qualified counselors. The primary qualification is going through a Retrouvaille program and coming out the other side still married.
Obviously, there are many types of relationship transgressions of varying severity, and different types of transgressions mean very different things. Forgetting to pick up bread and milk at the store on the way home is far less significant than forgetting to pick up an essential prescription for your partner.
How to single-handedly create the kind of connection and intimacy you’re craving. Some men go to marriage counseling willingly, but most who go do so grudgingly, and still more flat-out refuse.
What are the rules for a truly happy marriage? There aren’t any, really. More like guidelines. Why? Because what works for one couple might be laughed off by another. It all depends.
Joe and Jane sought assistance from a marriage counselor. Jane was a decision-maker. She liked to plan things, go places, set objectives and go for them. Joe, her husband, used to be that way too. It was probably what brought them together in the first place. As the years went by, however, Joe realized that when Jane made decisions, she wasn’t willing to change them. FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: Be proactive, not reactive
Post Sessions. A series of follow-up sessions is the next important phase of the Retrouvaille healing process. The hurt and pain of a struggling marriage cannot be healed in a single weekend experience.
At-Home Date Night Ideas to Keep Your Relationship Fresh. But just because you’re not going out doesn’t mean that date night is reduced to binging Netflix and ordering takeout week after week. If you need to refresh your romance routine, try one of these ideas to make your time at home feel a little more exciting.
Pro family Christian Marriages websites and Blogs
Janet Thompson Contributing Writer Dec.30, 2020 My husband and I celebrated twenty-eight years of marriage on December 19, 2020. Even though our anniversary is a sleigh ride away from Christmas, we try to get away for a couple of days to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year of…
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